Steven Sasser was born November 15, 1949, in Opelika, Alabama. His mother was Nancy Renn Sasser and his father was Clifford Otto Sasser. Except for the times his mother would call him John Steven with a tone of dissatisfaction, he has gone by Steve.
His foundation for all of his thoughts and actions begin with God, Country, and Family. He firmly believes that this world is not as complicated as we make it out to be. He believes that good has to begin within yourself.
Steve is an outspoken patriot promoting constitutional conservatism. He became a stronger patriot after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. He placed a flag on his passenger car door and around his home and they remain there today.
Steve received his BBA from Auburn University in June of 1974. He continued to learn more about our country from Hillsdale College and Rush Limbaugh. Hillsdale College is located in Hillsdale, Michigan and offers online courses for free. He has taken courses on The Federalist Papers, The Constitution, The Supreme Court and many more. Rush is a nationally known conservative talk show host that loves America. He is today's Paul Harvey with "The Rest of the Story".
Steve writes his book "Houston... We've Got A Problem" "Apollo 13 Recovered... Can America? to elicit his true concerns about America he sees today and America he once knew.

Steve uses humor and satire to point how we, the American people are failing to keep America great. He calls on each of us to focus on our "circle of influence" as Stephen R. Covey spoke of in his book, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People". He encourages us to concentrate on our immediate family and friends and encourage them to stand for institutions and values that made this country great. Remind them that they will have to be strong and encourage them to be independent thinkers.
Steve's top priority today is like that of Fred MacMurray in the American sitcom "My Three Sons" which ran on TV from 1960 to 1972. The story was about Steven Douglas, a widower, who raised his three sons. Steve is a widower who is helping to raise "My Three Grandsons".
His book challenges each of us to resist any semblance of "political correctness" and strive to bring civility back in our everyday business of life.