“You May Not be a Redneck if”


Back Forty
You go to the back of the line when you hear your friend is in the back forty.
Body Shop You go to a body shop to work on your abs.
ChickYou go to a pet store when your friend suggests you find a chick
Outhouse You think an outhouse goes on an out parcel.
Spittoon You use a spittoon as a bedpan.
Two-StrokeYou think a two-stroke is a penalty in golf.
CatcallingThe only catcall you know is “Here, kitty, kitty!”
Picking CottonPicking cotton is your choice over polyester
MooningYou relate mooning to a stroll under the night sky with a full moon.
ChoppersIf you think Grandpa is referring to a motorcycle when he said he left his choppers at the house
WrapYou are puzzled why one would suggest you take a wrap because it is cold outside
Bed BugsYou lay awake all night in bed at your grandmother’s after she says “Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite”

Steve Sasser 2020